Listed below are 2 great ways to start Greenhabbing when brand new to investing!
Hey there Green Real Estate Investors and welcome back to the Greenhabbing 101 blog. Today, let?s cover Green Rehabbing for the Brand New Green Real Estate Investor?
So you are brand new to real estate investing and getting hit from all angles with new education on the hottest strategy in real estate, etc. and really just trying to focus on 1 or 2 strategies at most and start bringing in some money.?
Greenhabbing is a great strategy for new investors because:
- If you are a wholesaler, you can use Greenhabbing to train your rehabbers how to create higher profits on all of their flip projects that you wholesale to them.? This will make you more valuable to these rehabbers which means you will be able to do more deals and make more on them.
- If you are looking to make money in real estate but scared to really dive in head first, you can become an eco-consultant and teach investors how to Greenhab their deals to create higher profits.? Once you learn Greenhabbing yourself, you can charge whatever you desire when consulting investors on how to create higher profits through our Green Real Estate Investing Strategies
These are 2 great ways that you can start using Greenhabbing right away when starting out as a brand new real estate investor.? The 2 strategies above do not require money out of pocket so it?s great for new investors to start building up capital without a ton of risk.
Of course you can use Greenhabbing to fix and flip and buy and hold but these strategies require more time, capital and knowledge so it?s not always the best strategy to start with when brand new to real estate investing.? Learn our Greenhabbing secrets early and use them to your advantage so you can stand out from your competition in your local real estate market.
If you are brand new to real estate investing and looking to cut through all of the clutter of what?s out there and start greenhabbing, email: Ryan@InTheNowInvestments.com and request a 30 minute strategy call regarding our Green Real Estate Investing strategies and which one would work best for you.
Ryan and In The Now Investments has been able to assist over 100 investors/homeowners with decreasing their utility bills and increasing the value of their home/rehab project.
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