You want thin, yet fully featured? Then you need to look at the Toshiba Excite 10 LE. It has decent, but not breath-taking specs -- OMAP dual-core 4430 at 1.2GHz, 1GB DDR2 RAM, 10.1-inch IPS display at 1280x800, Android 4.0 and all the ports and slots you'd even want. The screen on the Excite is pretty nice too. I noticed great viewing angles, and it's really nice ad bright. Toss in a magnesium back with a modern textured feel, and it's sounding like a nice piece of gear.
But all that pales when you realize how oh-my-God thin it is. 7.7mm to be exact, or one-tenth of a millimeter thinner that the HTC One S. It's amazing. In fact, when you first pick it up you do a double-take, simply because it is so thin and light (535 grams). It's beyond impressive.
I'm putting this one through the paces. I use the heck out of a tablet, even though for the longest time I didn't think I would. If it can be broken, I will break it. If it can be crashed, I will crash it. If it performs great, I will love it. Keep an eye out for a full review, but I wanted everyone to have a quick look at the new sexy. Hit the break for a video and some pictures.

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